Koksartroz - the hip joint is a degenerative disease that leads to destruction and chronic airflow. More common in the older age groups. Get sick more often, more women than men.
Onset of the disease slowly develops. Research, a joint, or both. The most common type is osteoarthritis.
Why is a progressive disease?
Koksartroz, in some patients, concomitant hip joint and tissue dystrophy organism the natural aging process. Factors that influence its formation:
- reduced tissue nutrition;
- the hip joint is a congenital anomaly, especially dysplasia;
- transfer of trauma in the pelvic region;
- post-koksartroz infection;
- aseptic necrosis hip joint;
- to pertus disease (osteochondropathy).
Unfortunately, determining the cause of the disease called idiopathic coxarthrosis and hip joint pathology is not always possible - I mean, why is not installed. This is an incentive for continuous research issues. The doctors in this area of scientific study conducted at the conclusion of the languages that are seen coxarthrosis patients at higher risk patients:
- Pathology of hereditary tendency. In the eyes of the parents of the patients cartilage and bone tissue disease, often there will be similar problems;
- Are overweight. A mechanical joint without a significant weight load regularly exposed jobs.
- Metabolic disorders, diabetes mellitus. This way poor college oxygen and nutrients to tissue, joints, what properties they lose.
Knowing the basic preventive measures and disease risk factors you can plan to prevent.
How to recognize hip joint pathology?
Coxarthrosis symptoms depend on anatomical features, Nov-skeletal system diseases, its causes, pathology, and scene flow. The main clinical signs to consider:
- joint pain;
- irradiation pain, knee, hip, groin;
- stiffness, motion;
- limited mobility;
- disorders, walking limp;
- to reduce the weight of the thigh muscles;
- shortening the damaged limb.
Clinical response changes in the internal, tissues, and joints. Symptoms are slowly growing, and in the initial stages, the patient neglect them. This is dangerous, because it brings you to treatment at the beginning of the process, greater impact.
The extent to which clinical and Radiological coxarthrosis
Each of the symptoms listed below are characteristic of the extent of disease.
- 1 degrees. Periodic pain and discomfort he feels sick. An unpleasant feeling uncomfortable after strenuous exercise, static standing posture for a long time. A localized area of pain and then passes the joint to vacation. Shortening the process in jeopardy at this stage and no walking foot. Notice a change Graphy - narrowed joint space, visible osteophytes (bone growth).
- 2 degrees. Increases pain intensity during rest and adjacent body areas that may seem emits. Visible lameness after walked for a long time as a person or surge. A limited amount of joint movement. The changes evolving in parallel with this X-ray image: slipped femoral head, osteophyte growing on the breakdown of the inner and outer edges of the acetabulum.
- Stage 3. Sensitivity gains, a permanent, visible day and night. Hiking deteriorates significantly, visible and permanent lameness. Greatly reduced motor function, atrophy, Nov, foot. change, Nov tissue, which causes the leg a little more “drawn” and shorter. This deformation of the body posture and the path of deformation. Radiography at this stage of the process: the total contraction between the crack surfaces joint deformity of the femoral head, osteophyte formation significant growth.
A disease of the diagnostic program
Basic diagnostic method is X-ray. His presence and with his help, you can determine a phase of the disease. The topic narrowing on radiography analysis of joint structure, joint space, formation of osteophytes, broken huckle head.
If needed, working status, soft tissue magnetic resonance tomography held. Lets investigate in detail the situation and plots cartilage, joint, and hip area Nov.
Coxarthrosis hip joint and direction of the treatment of modern methods
Surgery and conservative treatment of coxarthrosis may be. Coxarthrosis treatment aim to achieve the following objectives:
- decreased pain symptoms;
- restored motor activity;
- disability rehabilitation and restoration;
- prevention of complications;
- improve the quality of life, patient.
Initial treatment modification of risk factors. Your doctor's advice for this the following activities:
- a body mass index of normalization;
- leave the bad habits;
- nutrition;
- normalization physical activity;
- drinking a balanced mode;
- a healthy sleep.
Conservative treatment include: pharmaceutical, etc and Drug-Free. Etc .. includes drug treatment of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, chondroprotectors. Reduce them to an inflammatory process in the tissues, joints, eliminating, swelling and pain, re-volume transactions and cartilage to improve the situation.
Treatment includes, but is not limited to, the Ankara region is also affected. This stimulates, Nov, confronts them, dystrophy and to prevent shortening the legs. A complete and professional massage stimulates the blood circulation neighborhood joint, and this, in turn, causes metabolism in normal tissues. Remember, the massage is always useful coxarthrosis - spend as exacerbations between him and some stages of the process. It may be that your doctor will advice you to assign massage techniques-frequency applications and course duration.
Compulsory treatment - physical therapy. Prevention of these contractures and the progress of the disease. Exercises are done every day but then they have has an impact. Gymnastics-selected, individually and assigned a doctor. Exercise, increase general wellbeing, reduce risk, and emotional disorders reinforcements in the body.
Physical therapy is another method of coxarthrosis. This may be, mud, medicated bath and shower, magnetotherapy. Applied electro - and phonophoresis of drugs.
The impact of the treatments applied brought or late listed if necessary surgical treatment.
During surgery coxarthrosis
The ineffectiveness of conservative methods of surgery. Especially this late diagnosis. Modern business operating techniques and quality hardware allow you to restore joint function and structure to restore a normal quality of life a person and the amount of the transaction. Total joint surgical treatment is the most effective method.
Indications of a rapid response include the following:
- coxarthrosis 2-3 degrees;
- the lack of effect treatment;
- total movement restrictions, walk away.
Contraindications perform an operation that does not allow:
- a decompensated condition, kidney, heart and liver;
- mental illness;
- acute phase of inflammation in the body.
Done this preoperative diagnosis. However, if you have the opportunity to set State - of-the patient is being prepped for surgery and a subsequent intervention.
Operation to remove the diseased tissue and the prosthesis setup. There are various models arthroplasty. Different methods, stabilization, bone – like material which is made of cement and cementless device. Seen about all the features and subtleties, surgical intervention to retrieve information consulting physician.
Then, recovery time, surgical treatment
On the first day after surgery under the supervision of a rehabilitation doctor. At first, he realizes passive movements then the load gradually increases. Hiking is allowed only with crutches for the first time, the seat and squat.
Naturally, the first post-operative restrictions and loads. Because there's nothing to be afraid of these limits will be protected until the end of his life without surgery. To strengthen the integrity provisions require surgery, reduced physical activity is observed after re-bones, wound healing. The next 2 months, excluding Sports, Exercise, Joint, long-term walking and exercise some types of. Turns back to the man after healing is complete and satisfying life, sport and active leisure facilities.
Seen in the service schedule: most shows companies the survival rate is about 90% of the inspection schedule to 15 years.